A day in flight
upon the horizon bay alight.
Flames upon flames,
wingbeat after wingbeat.
Morning catch in mouth--
perched upon a doghouse.
Grassy blades brushes shoulders;
silent paws churned the earth.
A sullen V glided south.
Pair of sunbathing spouse
scatters seeds to the wind--
robins swooped as crashing waves.
Wave after wave
in a torrential flood,
feral cats' hungry attack.
Clipped wings shed, treacherous tears shed.
A day in flight
upon the horizon bay alight.
Scavengers upon scavengers.
Scavengers against scavengers.
Writer's Statement: My inspiration for writing this piece was to improve upon my interest in writing poetry and to spread the love of poetry to everyone else. What I hope readers will gain after reading my work will be that they came away with something that is memorable and worthwhile to reread.