My Dreams
By: Jaya Wartson
In my dreams, I see a girl
She isn’t afraid to be seen
She isn’t afraid of her shadow
She is brave
She doesn’t keep quiet
She doesn’t make herself small
She is confident
She never breaks down
She never gives up
She is strong
In my dreams the girl I see
Is exactly the girl I am becoming.
She isn’t afraid to be seen
She isn’t afraid of her shadow
She is brave
She doesn’t keep quiet
She doesn’t make herself small
She is confident
She never breaks down
She never gives up
She is strong
In my dreams the girl I see
Is exactly the girl I am becoming.
Writer's Statement: When I was creating these poems I was pulling from how I feel or want to feel. I hope that when or if people read this they can relate. If not I hope they can at least have a different outlook on things.