With a crunchy crust and center cheesy, only created from a ball of dough. The great pizza chefs make it look easy.
A day without it makes me uneasy. You can get just some cheese or a combo with a crunchy crust and center cheesy.
Use a napkin if it gets too greasy. Eat too much and you’ll get a big torso. The great pizza chefs make it look easy.
Eating one by myself would be breezy. It is not hard to eat two in a row with a crunchy crust and center cheesy.
Pineapple on pizza makes me queasy. To the restaurant, a tip I bestow. The great pizza chefs make it look easy.
Some like it green; others like it meaty. Maybe one day I could bake like a pro with a crunchy crust and center cheesy; the great pizza chefs make it look easy.
Editor Dalton Machholz said, "This poem is funny and showcases a love for pizza in a humorous way everyone can enjoy."