Crown of Branches
By: Madeline Nugent

I lit a fire of words ‘neath the children
How could I not know how it could burn?
They took to the castle in the clouds given
Chance, vowed, stole away to never return.
Gone like the snow when springtime here became
Youth robbed by the cruel and long winter.
The wind whipped, taking with the eternal flame
Battle long ended with bitter surrender-
Daedelus I became, my Icarus
A glimmer of hope fueled your wings on high!
My thoughtless words your eulogy precious,
The wax melted, you left want to glorify...
“O, Captain! My Captain!” They had once cried,
Your crown of branches now thorns, tears undried…
How could I not know how it could burn?
They took to the castle in the clouds given
Chance, vowed, stole away to never return.
Gone like the snow when springtime here became
Youth robbed by the cruel and long winter.
The wind whipped, taking with the eternal flame
Battle long ended with bitter surrender-
Daedelus I became, my Icarus
A glimmer of hope fueled your wings on high!
My thoughtless words your eulogy precious,
The wax melted, you left want to glorify...
“O, Captain! My Captain!” They had once cried,
Your crown of branches now thorns, tears undried…
Writer's Statement: My work Crown of Branches was inspired by Mr. Keating and the emotional turmoil he felt.